Benjamin Franklin Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution

2020 George Washington's Birthday Celebration

This was our second year to hold the celebration at noon at the 94th Aero Squadron. The three entree buffet was a hit.

Our program included Dale Fellows portraying George Washington and answering questions. And joining us for the first time was the Heritage Fifes & Drums playing Colonial era music.

121 were in attendance including 45 DAR members and 3 CAR members.

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George Washington (Dale Fellows) with chapter president Don Miller.

Dale is a member of the Northeastern Ohio Chapter.

George Washington took questions from the audience in addition to a wonderful presentation.

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Heritage Fifes and Drums
Lancaster, Ohio

l-R, Jeff Taylor, Jamison Taylor, Jacob Milenovic, Jackson Taylor & Jarrison Taylor

The Heritage musicians entertained us with many songs from the Colonial era.

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George Washington with chapter treasurer Bill Diehl and his wife Linda Diehl who is a member of the John Hoover DAR.

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View of some of the tables

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Anita Miller, Don Miller and George Washington

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George Washington with chapter member Steve Kelley

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DAR Vice-Regent Nancy Wright bringing greetings on behalf of the Ohio Society DAR

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Steve Kelley bringing greetings on behalf of the Ohio Society SAR

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Rosemary Rudy, wife of chapter member David Rudy, holding up Ohio State flag that was flown over the Ohio State House on
14 November 2019 in honor of the Benjamin Franklin Chapter.

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Steve Kelley presenting the Ohio State flag on behalf of the Capital Square Review and Advisory Board to the chapter. On the far left is chapter member David Rudy.

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Laura Wynia bringing greetings on behalf of the Ohio CAR Society

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Tim Mills, our chapter registrar/genealogist, receiving a certificate of appreciation for all his time and effort on prospective new member applications.

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George Washington giving his presentation.

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L-R, Jeff Taylor, Jacob Milenovic, Jamison Taylor, Jackson Taylor & Jarrison Taylor

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Jeff Taylor, Jacob Milenovic & Jamison Taylor

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Tony Robinson, Camp Charlotte SAR member, Laura Wynia CAR, Nancy Wright DAR, George Washington, and Don Miller